Dear Friends,
As we move into the spring season we think of new beginnings and growth. The most beautiful garden
reaches its full potential and thrives because it has received the proper nourishment and care. We too,
can flourish with proper care and support. Our mission at the Café is to not only provide assistance
and basic needs of food through hot meals and groceries, clothing, hygiene and other essentials, but to
provide opportunities for a better life through enrichment, opportunities and empowerment. The women
are growing through their support groups, sewing and craft classes, and “Fresh from the Garden” class
that combines cooking for healthy eating and gardening skills. Besides providing enjoyment, and a new
sense of self-worth, some have a livelihood from their new skills. Men also attend literacy and life skills
classes. Some work toward a GED certificate or their citizenship.
We hope to provide a better future for our children by empowering them as well. We want to guide
them to feel valued, capable, encouraged by their beliefs in their own abilities, and to realize that through positive growth they direct their own lives and future. When we empower our children, we
create a generation of adults with a sense of selfworth who can engage in the world around them in a meaningful way.
Children develop new skills, creativity, self-esteem and confidence through our many programs. The piano and guitar students displayed their advancement at a recent music recital. Preschoolers are enjoying crafts, story time and a creative math program which helps with school readiness. Other children are sponsored in tutoring/ reading programs and in summer/winter camps to help them advance their skills.
We could not do this without volunteer teachers who give their time and knowledge with caring love that
helps the students feel valued and worthy.
God inspires and encourages us in 1 Thessalonians 5:11- “Therefore encourage one another and build
each other up, just as in fact that you are doing.” God provides for us, as well, through our many donors
who are inspired to give. We are truly blessed as we walk together through our “garden of life”. Thank
you for being a part of helping to nourish the many lives of those who want to grow.
With Blessings and Thankfulness,
Marietta Bala, Chairperson
Board of Directors, Café of Life